Helbig & Lang - The surface finishing specialist
Inspection of Color Shade and Paint Structure
The inspection of the shade also belongs to the final inspections. Therefore a comparison with standardized color charts, color fans or color panels (e.g. RAL, NCS, Pantone, DB-colors, Munsell) can be executed. Moreover the sample sheets, which were released at the beginning of the project, can be used as references. In case of discrepancies a color shade analysis with the color spectrometer is executed in collaboration with the paint supplier in order to find a solution for the problem.
With the aid of the samples a comparison of structural characteristics, which were defined together with the customer, can take place. Regarding the liquid painting Helbig & Lang is able to influence the structure through diluting in order to adapt to the customers’ requirements. Also regarding the powder coating different structural characteristics (flat, microstructure, and macrostructure) can be realized in cooperation with the powder manufactures.